[ubuntu/lucid] bugzilla (Accepted)
Ubuntu Installer
archive at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 21 22:10:32 GMT 2009
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed dash compatibility within ../bugzilla3/lib/checksetup.pl.
Closes: #558238
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Do not change user/group and modes within /etc/cron.daily/bugzilla3. This
scripts are started with www-data user and the files are created with the
same security level. Closes: #556408
* Fixed post-checksetup.d/15restoredpkgstatoverride script. Closes: #557243
* Execute daily /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib/whine.pl.
* Surrpress stdout of whineatnews.pl and whine.pl in cron.daily/bugzilla3.
* If a configuration variable is missing in /etc/bugzilla3/localconfig the
upgrade fails; /etc/bugzilla3/params is not created and checksetup.pl
exit. LP: #419826 Closes: #557289, #538289
* Deconfigure dbcommon-config created database. Closes: #557361
* Added BG langauge pack.
* Scripts exit with error code where an error occured.
* Fixed/Added usage of dbconfig-common prerm scripts.
* Removed obsolate sym-link usr/lib/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/webdot.
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Restored /usr/share/bugzilla3/debian directory; it's not a file.
Installation of the package from scratch failed.
Closes: #555418
* Improved processing with dbconfig-common in case of missing access rights
to the database. Closes: #532753
* Dependency graph URL fixed. Closes: #555198
* Fixed dependencies on libemail-mime-perl. Closes: #555800
* (Ubuntu) Suppress output of users/passwords. LP: #415500
* (Ubuntu) Installation procedure improved/fixed. LP: #419826
* Debconf translation updates
- Italian (Vincenzo Campanella) Closes: #556093
* Removed unnecessary rewrite rules from README.Debian. Closes: #555306
* Fixed default index.html file with refresh to /bugzilla3/index.cgi
* Add the compleate contrib content to /usr/share/bugzilla3/contrib.
* Removed bugzilla3.copyright & bugzilla3-doc.copyright; uses copyright
[ NEWS.Debian ]
* Added /usr/share/doc/bugzilla3/examples/30_unconfiredm_allways.sh script
as an example how to customize bugzilla3 installations.
* Uses dpkg-statoverride for files/directory to give the admin more control
over the access rights of package files. checksetup_nondebian.pl does not
change access rights and modes of files anymore. Please check the
/etc/bugzilla3/post-checksetup.d/10setdefaultdpkgstatoverride and
15restoredpkgstatoverride scripts. Closes: #550085
* Added support for custom templates (and skins); use the
/etc/bugzilla3/template and /etc/bugzilla3/skins directories. The
/etc/bugzilla3/pre-checksetup.d/30copyetcskins and 30copyetctemplate copy
the content to the right locations. LP: #413065
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Increased Standards-Version to 3.8.3; no changes.
* Fixed creation of /etc/bugzilla3/localconfig from debconf settings.
* In case where access to database is protected the user/password is revoked
und recreated again; dpkg-reconfigure -phigh bugzilla3.
* Removed dependency against libemail-reply-perl.
* Changed processing of /etc/bugzilla3/localconfig. Closes: #538286
* Fixed usage of skins by moving away from /cgi-bin/bugzilla3/.
Closes: #495107
* Support for new version of Germzilla added. Closes: #522401
* Added support for 2 digit version numbers for uscan. Closes: #539401
* libtemplate-plugin-gd-perl is recomended. Closes: #539440
* Uses Debian's YUI files for security concerns with JavaScript.
Closes: #544987, #544870
* The post-checksetup.d/10setdefaultdpkgstatoverride and
post-checksetup.d/15restoredpkgstatoverride script fix directory/file
access rights. Closes: #550045
* Fixed typo in checksetup(_debian).sh script. Closes: #550055
* Include path /usr/share/bugzilla3 added. README.Debian explains how to
install missing Perl modules for email_in.pl. Closes: #549700
* The localhost mta/smtp/email server have to accept email sending.
Closes: #522455
* Fixed SQL injection vulnerability in the Bug.create WebService function
CVE-2009-3165, Closes: #547132
* Fixed typo in recomends (imagemagick). Closes: #554965
[ NEWS.Debian ]
* The directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bugzilla3 moved to
/usr/share/bugzilla3/web. The /usr/share/doc/bugzilla3/examples/basic.conf
file show the changes mandatory for apache2.
This change was required to be able to install bugzilla3 for apache2
out-of-the box with apache2 default setup for /cgi-bin/ directory.
Closes: #520935
* New basic.conf/vh-basic.conf files fix /cgi-bin/ issues with default
apache2 configuration. Closes: #511839
* urlbase (/etc/bugzilla3/param) changed from /cgi-bin/bugzilla3/ to
* docs_urlbase (/etc/bugzilla3/param) changed from
/docs/bugzilla3-doc/%lang%/html to /doc/bugzilla3-doc/%lang%/html with
changed directory structure within bugzilla3-doc. Closes: #511839
* The directories /etc/bugzilla3/pre-checksetup.d and
/etc/bugzilla3/post-checksetup.d contain executables which are started in
alphanumerical order befor and after checksetup.pl is called. Save your
own scripts which should be executed if checksetup.pl is called, e.g.
while upgrade of the package.
* /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib/sanitycheck.pl added; will be executed daily.
Closes: #550071
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload
* Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #541769
* Drop extra text at the end of README.Debian. Closes: #550056
* [Debconf translation updates]
- Swedish (Martin Bagge). Closes: #543407
- Basque (Piarres Beobide). Closes: #543633
- German (Helge Kreutzmann). Closes: #543726
- Portuguese (Miguel Figueiredo). Closes: #544153
- Czech (Jan Outrata). Closes: #544211
- Japanese (Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP)). Closes: #544492
- French (Florentin Duneau). Closes: #544742
- Spanish (Francisco Javier Cuadrado). Closes: #544881
- Ukrainian (Artem Ustinov). Closes: #544952
- Dutch (Paul Gevers). Closes: #545049
- Russian (Yuri Kozlov). Closes: #537924, #545170
- Finnish (Esko Arajärvi). Closes: #545365
- Vietnamese (Clytie Siddall). Closes: #547870
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 18:15:40 +0000
Changed-By: Bhavani Shankar <right2bhavi at gmail.com>
Maintainer: Raphael Bossek <bossekr at debian.org>
Origin: Debian/unstable
-------------- next part --------------
Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 18:15:40 +0000
Source: bugzilla
Binary: bugzilla3, bugzilla3-doc
Architecture: source
Distribution: lucid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Raphael Bossek <bossekr at debian.org>
Changed-By: Bhavani Shankar <right2bhavi at gmail.com>
Closes: 495107 511839 511839 520935 522401 522455 532753 537924 538286 538289 539401 539440 541769 543407 543633 543726 544153 544211 544492 544742 544870 544881 544952 544987 545049 545170 545365 547132 547870 549700 550045 550055 550056 550071 550085 554965 555198 555306 555418 555800 556093 556408 557243 557289 557361 558238
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 413065 415500 419826 419826
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed dash compatibility within ../bugzilla3/lib/checksetup.pl.
Closes: #558238
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Do not change user/group and modes within /etc/cron.daily/bugzilla3. This
scripts are started with www-data user and the files are created with the
same security level. Closes: #556408
* Fixed post-checksetup.d/15restoredpkgstatoverride script. Closes: #557243
* Execute daily /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib/whine.pl.
* Surrpress stdout of whineatnews.pl and whine.pl in cron.daily/bugzilla3.
* If a configuration variable is missing in /etc/bugzilla3/localconfig the
upgrade fails; /etc/bugzilla3/params is not created and checksetup.pl
exit. LP: #419826 Closes: #557289, #538289
* Deconfigure dbcommon-config created database. Closes: #557361
* Added BG langauge pack.
* Scripts exit with error code where an error occured.
* Fixed/Added usage of dbconfig-common prerm scripts.
* Removed obsolate sym-link usr/lib/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/webdot.
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Restored /usr/share/bugzilla3/debian directory; it's not a file.
Installation of the package from scratch failed.
Closes: #555418
* Improved processing with dbconfig-common in case of missing access rights
to the database. Closes: #532753
* Dependency graph URL fixed. Closes: #555198
* Fixed dependencies on libemail-mime-perl. Closes: #555800
* (Ubuntu) Suppress output of users/passwords. LP: #415500
* (Ubuntu) Installation procedure improved/fixed. LP: #419826
* Debconf translation updates
- Italian (Vincenzo Campanella) Closes: #556093
* Removed unnecessary rewrite rules from README.Debian. Closes: #555306
* Fixed default index.html file with refresh to /bugzilla3/index.cgi
* Add the compleate contrib content to /usr/share/bugzilla3/contrib.
* Removed bugzilla3.copyright & bugzilla3-doc.copyright; uses copyright
[ NEWS.Debian ]
* Added /usr/share/doc/bugzilla3/examples/30_unconfiredm_allways.sh script
as an example how to customize bugzilla3 installations.
* Uses dpkg-statoverride for files/directory to give the admin more control
over the access rights of package files. checksetup_nondebian.pl does not
change access rights and modes of files anymore. Please check the
/etc/bugzilla3/post-checksetup.d/10setdefaultdpkgstatoverride and
15restoredpkgstatoverride scripts. Closes: #550085
* Added support for custom templates (and skins); use the
/etc/bugzilla3/template and /etc/bugzilla3/skins directories. The
/etc/bugzilla3/pre-checksetup.d/30copyetcskins and 30copyetctemplate copy
the content to the right locations. LP: #413065
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Increased Standards-Version to 3.8.3; no changes.
* Fixed creation of /etc/bugzilla3/localconfig from debconf settings.
* In case where access to database is protected the user/password is revoked
und recreated again; dpkg-reconfigure -phigh bugzilla3.
* Removed dependency against libemail-reply-perl.
* Changed processing of /etc/bugzilla3/localconfig. Closes: #538286
* Fixed usage of skins by moving away from /cgi-bin/bugzilla3/.
Closes: #495107
* Support for new version of Germzilla added. Closes: #522401
* Added support for 2 digit version numbers for uscan. Closes: #539401
* libtemplate-plugin-gd-perl is recomended. Closes: #539440
* Uses Debian's YUI files for security concerns with JavaScript.
Closes: #544987, #544870
* The post-checksetup.d/10setdefaultdpkgstatoverride and
post-checksetup.d/15restoredpkgstatoverride script fix directory/file
access rights. Closes: #550045
* Fixed typo in checksetup(_debian).sh script. Closes: #550055
* Include path /usr/share/bugzilla3 added. README.Debian explains how to
install missing Perl modules for email_in.pl. Closes: #549700
* The localhost mta/smtp/email server have to accept email sending.
Closes: #522455
* Fixed SQL injection vulnerability in the Bug.create WebService function
CVE-2009-3165, Closes: #547132
* Fixed typo in recomends (imagemagick). Closes: #554965
[ NEWS.Debian ]
* The directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bugzilla3 moved to
/usr/share/bugzilla3/web. The /usr/share/doc/bugzilla3/examples/basic.conf
file show the changes mandatory for apache2.
This change was required to be able to install bugzilla3 for apache2
out-of-the box with apache2 default setup for /cgi-bin/ directory.
Closes: #520935
* New basic.conf/vh-basic.conf files fix /cgi-bin/ issues with default
apache2 configuration. Closes: #511839
* urlbase (/etc/bugzilla3/param) changed from /cgi-bin/bugzilla3/ to
* docs_urlbase (/etc/bugzilla3/param) changed from
/docs/bugzilla3-doc/%lang%/html to /doc/bugzilla3-doc/%lang%/html with
changed directory structure within bugzilla3-doc. Closes: #511839
* The directories /etc/bugzilla3/pre-checksetup.d and
/etc/bugzilla3/post-checksetup.d contain executables which are started in
alphanumerical order befor and after checksetup.pl is called. Save your
own scripts which should be executed if checksetup.pl is called, e.g.
while upgrade of the package.
* /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib/sanitycheck.pl added; will be executed daily.
Closes: #550071
bugzilla ( unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload
* Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #541769
* Drop extra text at the end of README.Debian. Closes: #550056
* [Debconf translation updates]
- Swedish (Martin Bagge). Closes: #543407
- Basque (Piarres Beobide). Closes: #543633
- German (Helge Kreutzmann). Closes: #543726
- Portuguese (Miguel Figueiredo). Closes: #544153
- Czech (Jan Outrata). Closes: #544211
- Japanese (Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP)). Closes: #544492
- French (Florentin Duneau). Closes: #544742
- Spanish (Francisco Javier Cuadrado). Closes: #544881
- Ukrainian (Artem Ustinov). Closes: #544952
- Dutch (Paul Gevers). Closes: #545049
- Russian (Yuri Kozlov). Closes: #537924, #545170
- Finnish (Esko Arajärvi). Closes: #545365
- Vietnamese (Clytie Siddall). Closes: #547870
1d6b0fe1d692d02c05ecdc2fd47921cc 1092 web optional bugzilla_3.2.5.1-2.dsc
eab5a60614b1968b2addd2d0eef83615 79986 web optional bugzilla_3.2.5.1-2.diff.gz
06c15d499dddcb8cac86a7a3879394c9 4547628 web optional bugzilla_3.2.5.1.orig.tar.gz
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