<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">"A bigger concern for me, is the ending of support for 32-bit <br>
architecture machines. When that happens, I will have several machines <br>
that are only useful as musical instruments, and (to a more limited <br>
extent) as test machines."</div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div>@Aere G:</div><div><br></div><div>I "feel" you, as they say on the mean streets of LA . . . but, more than likely, "this too shall come to pass" as far as the demise of 32-bit arch . . . probably affecting more people than the plaintive moan from PPC users such as myself . . . for whom the bell had tolled, to not too much concern . . . it was always a little used "fork" in the road . . . .</div><div><br></div><div>That's the up and the down of "technology" as Ralf so aptly pointed out . . . advances are made in fairly short time line, for relatively high cost at the beginning of said "wave" . . . to quickly reduced value once mass production hits . . . and then short "lifespan" of support. You pays your money, and you play the game you can "afford" . . . new stuff is already here, better, faster than the stuff you have now that is slowly ebbing out of the wave . . . .</div><div><br></div><div>Soon, the human brain will be supplemented by AI chips . . . and so forth . . . back to the Dodo bird concept . . . robots will be scrolling past photos of "the ancient biological human beings" in virtual archives . . . and there the choice will be which model of android can we best afford to be our "avatar" on the #gameoflife VR gameboard . . . . Go cheap and die young, or get the latest most expensive product and hope for a longer wave ride???? Either choice the ride isn't very long in the grand scheme of Universal time.<br></div><div><br></div><div>F<br></div></div>