<div dir="ltr">Short Story:<br><br>I need someone to burn and ship a Lubuntu 13.10 amd64 CD or DVD to an address in Malden - MA - USA.<br><br>If you decide to help me, I can pay all costs through PayPal...<br><br>Long Story:<br>
<br>My mother is on USA right now, and her lubuntu 13.04 crashed after a distribution upgrade (I guess). Now everything she has is a black screen recovery shell... She is 47 so, you imagine...<br><br>She does not have another computer to burn a CD with the .iso image, and also, that would be even harder to instruct through telephone. I could send her a CD or a USB drive from Brazil, but that probably will cost more, and take more time!<br>
<br>So, this is what I'm asking. A good soul with time to post this CD and solve my problem. With a LiveCD running I can do much more and re-install the system remotely...<br><br>Tnx in advance!<br></div>