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<p>I realize that there are some items from 13.10 that was not really
advertised before the release. As «very very very late» is still
better than «never», this is some explanations :
<p><br></p><p>- 13.10 was suppose to be a first step to 14.04. Initially, we
were unsure to be able to release something due to many factors. We
finished by releasing something, but far from our previous level of
polishing. One of the main cause is my « no availability »,
letting phillw and the testing team sometimes very alone :-/
That's was one of my fear before this cycle, and unfortunately it was
confirmed too late.</p><p><br></p>
<p>We introduced some changes that was not well advertised :</p>
<p>- Change in autostart applications : all applications in
/etc/xdg and .config/autostart/ was disable by default. That's was a
design decision to reduce the number of applications launching
randomly. It was replaced by an application to define more clearly
what applications you want to start by default (with
lxsession-default-app). With some feedbacks, I think it was a bad
idea, it confused too much people. So, I turned this off by default
upstream, and I'll also do it in Lubuntu in 14.04. That was also
the goal of 13.10, doing experimentations.</p>
<p>If you want to turn it off now manually, go to
lxsession-default-app => Autostart => Set « no » to
« Disable autostarted applications ? »</p><p><br></p><p>- Remove lxsession-edit</p>
<p>It was also replaced by lxsession-default-app, all the
functionalities are now in lxsession-default-app => Autostart,
but also if you set « no »to « Disable autostarted
applications ? »</p><p><br></p>
<p>- Use lightdm to lock the screen</p>
<p>The goal was to removed the need of xscreensaver, reducing by 1
the number of daemon by default. However, it was an unfinished work,
which was forgotten, and released. I'm going to remove this, and turn
on xscreensaver when you want to lock the screen. For 14.04, using
light-locker will probably be the best solution.<br></p><p><br></p><p>- Removing lxkeymap, and only use the panel applet
</p><p>To avoid previous problems with the interaction between lxkeymap
and the panel applet, lxkeymap was removed so you only have 1 place
to configure keymap.</p><p><br></p><p>As a side note, most of the changes was done on lxsession, you can
also find documentation on it on <a href="http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession">http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession</a><br></p><p><br></p><p>So, what conclusion to all of this ?
Clearly, we were too ambitious for this release. Enable zram by
default already generated too much problems for us to handle, so
others changes was not properly advertised / tested … It's not a
complain about people, I think I'm the main responsible of this mess,
but we have to learn about this.
</p><p style="margin-bottom:0cm"><br></p><p style="margin-bottom:0cm">I hope I clarify some situations about
the 13.10, if you have any concerns on the actual release, feel free
to answer this mail. About the future, I'm going to send another
mail.<br></p><p style="margin-bottom:0cm"><br></p><p style="margin-bottom:0cm">Regards,</p><p style="margin-bottom:0cm">Julien Lavergne