<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_extra"><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:amjjawad@gmail.com" target="_blank">amjjawad@gmail.com</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div><div>Hello,<br><br>Out of curiosity, who else still on this mailing list?<br><br></div>Don't be shy, it is good to say hi every now and then ;)<span class=""><font color="#888888"><br clear="all">
<div><div><div><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr"><div>
<div><div><span style="color:rgb(204,0,0)">Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."</span><br>Best Regards,<br></div><a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad" target="_blank">amjjawad</a><br></div>
<a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement" target="_blank">Areas of Involvement</a><br></div><a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects" target="_blank">My Projects</a><br></div>
</blockquote></div><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">Hi again after 10 days :)<br></div><ol><li>Ali</li><li>Nio Wiklund</li><li>Federico Leoni</li><li>Iberê Fernandes</li><li>Aere Greenway</li><li>Michael Rawson</li><li>
Alexis López Zubieta</li><li>Andre Rodovalho</li><li>David Yentzen</li><li>Jackson Doak</li><li>Dale Visser</li><li>Sergio Meneses</li><li>Hùng Trần</li><li>Barry Titterton</li><li>Gerry</li><li>Britt Dodd</li><li>Peter Matulis</li>
<li>sd</li></ol><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">To all the 17 above names (excluding myself of course) who have replied, allow me to THANK YOU for replying my email and for being around, still :)<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">After 10 days, I must say that there is still hope to see some 'life' or 'activity' around. Although 17 replies aren't good enough for a fairly large community like Lubuntu (I miss the old days when this community was super active!!) but still very promising :)<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Now, the reason why I sent that email is definitely NOT to say Hi ONLY but to also figure out if there are 'still' people who are interested in Lubuntu or not? well, at least 17 people still care and took the time (few seconds or few mins) and replied which is great and I really really really appreciate that.<br>
</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">And, definitely I am not saying those who did not reply necessarily means they don't care, this is NOT TRUE AT ALL. I do understand some may be busy, some may be away, etc so hope you don't get me wrong here, please :) but at the same time, I also observe that due to unknown reasons, some are really no longer interested but I could be wrong though :)<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class=""><br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">I have noticed (and not only me by the way) that the 'overall' activities of Lubuntu as a 'whole community' has dropped down a lot. NO, I am not talking about this very mailing list, I am referring to the whole Community, not just this mailing list. And, NO, I am NOT talking about this month, nor the previous one, I am talking about maybe the whole last cycle but again, I could be wrong - it is just my opinion :)<br>
<br><br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">As a member of this family, regardless of my activities, PLEASE forget about that for a moment at least ... as someone who belongs to this Community, may I ask, in public, who is 'still' interested to 'contribute' to Lubuntu? and I repeat, 'contribute' not just read/write emails, but to actually participate and contribute, of course and without a doubt, as a volunteer to this project?<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">I do know the names who are active and actually contributing. Anyone can tell, it doesn't need a genius to tell. I am simply asking if there are 'other' people around who might be, still, interested? I am asking because I guess some are still indeed interested but confused and not sure where or how to get started? am I right? correct me if I am wrong, please :)<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">As for those who are not interested, I have nothing against them but to thank them, regardless of what they have done or what they have not done. I must thank them because I believe any one who is using (or has used) this great and amazing system which is able to breathe new life into 10 years old machine, deserves a THANK YOU for choosing and using Lubuntu! no doubt about it.<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Now, please, if you are still interested to actually contribute to Lubuntu, at least for this cycle (14.04 - Lubuntu 14.04 is going to be an LTS by the way), kindly read this: <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/SubTeams">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/SubTeams</a><br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">If, for whatever reason, you need any help, JUST ASK!<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">FEEL FREE to contact me on here, facebook, whatever you want and wherever you wish and I shall be MORE than glad to answer your Q no matter what, whatever it is, no question about that.<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Lubuntu has 8 different Sub-Teams (imagine that as different departments) so your help, support and contribution can be on any of these 8 different areas.<br>
<br></span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">The most areas we need help at:<br><br></span><ul><li><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Wiki</span></li><li><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Testing</span></li>
<li><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Communications</span></li><li><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">Support (general)</span></li><li><span name="Aere Greenway" class="">If we could have more Developers, Bug Fixing, Packing, etc then that would be super extra perfect.</span></li>
</ul><p>Mainly, these are the areas we do need help and contributions the most.</p><p>All in all, any help, support, contribution are highly needed and appreciated.</p><p>Sometimes, a word of mouth, a CD you give to your friend to try, an email you send, a link you share on Google+ or Facebook, an installation you do to your neighbour (lately, I am converting my neighbours from Windows to Lubuntu), a thread you reply on Ubuntu Forum, a Q you answer on AskUbuntu, a Wiki Page you found an error and you fix it, a bug you come across and you try to reproduce it, a test you perform, a tweak you have, a tip you share, a howto you write, shall I carry on? there are tons of things you can choose from and do ... NOT necessary to be loud and join teams to do that, anyone can do but because we want to build a TEAM and an organized Community, we ask you to join a Launchpad Team so that we organize ourselves, we set our plans and targets according to our human resources, we know if we should hope and wish too much or not, and lots of other important advantages.</p>
<p>It is 6:30am here. I must stop thinking about Lubuntu, I guess :) at least for the moment.</p><p><br></p><p>Lubuntu needs you. Don't let Lubuntu down. Remember how this system breathed new life into your old machine. Remember how it saved your money by not buying new hardware and using the old one. Remember how you were amazed when you first saw and tried it. Remember :)<br>
</p></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span name="Aere Greenway" class=""><br></span>-- <br><div><div><div><div><span style="color:rgb(204,0,0)">Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."</span><br>Best Regards,<br>
</div><a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad" target="_blank">amjjawad</a><br></div><a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement" target="_blank">Areas of Involvement</a><br></div><a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects" target="_blank">My Projects</a><br>