<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hello gentlemen, <br><br></div>Recently I bought new hardware for my new htpc system. A8 AMD APU and a new FM2 gigabyte motherboard. I must say that everything was working flowlessly on my am2 nvidea 7 year old motherboard. I mean the sound was working with the same 13.04 Lubuntu. I booted up, and I didn't hear not only sounds, but volume control in systray also. I must say that I know that you have to click on the back panel "add/remove items", and volume control is there, but just doesn't add up to sys tray. My primarily music player Audacious indulge me with some weird errors.. something<br>
</div>lime like pcm_snd_ can't find files. ( I definitely include all the info I had if you be with me). The problem that it seems to me that Lubuntu has a very small user base, so my questions regarding this on web forums yield even almost no hits. Everyone ( well, younger users at least want Unity and some sort of support). I want support too, but with Lubuntu and LXDE. They seem perfectly for my needs. Needless to say, after my seach for help on the web, which doesn't seen to have any solution to my problem, I stumbled upon the info that all distribution of Ubuntu family have ( Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu ) have something called pulseaudio by default. I also gleaned that Lubuntu doesn't have it and that some developer in WIKI promised to write how to install pulseaudio in Lubuntu, but this is in progress. Just for the hack of it, i booted up live Xubuntu distro and wow -- audio works. So, it is not a problem of my new hardware. It seems that something is broken in Lubuntu. I am not sure if that pulseaudio problem or alsa, but the fact is I don't have sound in my lovely Lubuntu with which I was from the first days. ( I was using Ubuntu before they indroduced Unitiy and staff got sissy. So, if anyone is willing to help, your opinions if I should tinker alsa, or install pulseaudio ( which I have no clue how to do it, or else where do I need to start is greatly appreciated). Thanks for your fellowship time. Happy camper before it's all happend, German. ( st. Petersburg Russia)<br>