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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">All:<br>
If you are interested, and would like to take a look at the games
I'm offering for Lubuntu that I developed, you can find earlier
versions of them on my personal web-site (see the link at the end
of this e-mail). <br>
In that website, scroll down to near the bottom (past the links to
the stories of our many cross-country bicycle adventures), to the
section called: <font style="font-weight: bold;" size="+2">Video
Games published to the
web (Java Applets)</font><br>
There are links there to two games, "Asteroid Battle" and
"Insecter". <br>
To play them, you need either the "icedtea-7-plugin" package, or
the "icedtea6-plugin" package, depending on which version of Java
you have (or want). The default-jre package of Lubuntu 13.04 is
Open Java 7, so the "icedtea-7-plugin" is the package you need. <br>
<b>With the above packages, </b><b>and using Firefox</b>, you can
just click on the link to play them. The Chomium browser will
send you to the Java plugins page - even if you already have the
plugin package installed. It might require Oracle Java, rather
than Open Java. <br>
Both games have a context-sensitive "Help" button. So click it if
you don't know what to do. It will pause the game while you
read. <br>
There are a lot of parameters you can specify to customize the
games. With the Java Web-Start (installable) version (rather than
the applet version on my website), you can customize it, and it
remembers your last settings (and keeps track of high scores). <br>
The installable version also has other improvements beyond the
Java applet versions you can try out in the link below. <br>
On the Asteroid Battle game, to make your ship move, click and
hold the right mouse button, and drag it in the direction you want
to accelerate (or decelerate). When you let-up on the right
button, no energy will be expended on maneuvering, and you will
continue to coast in the current direction and speed. The left
mouse button fires at where the mouse-pointer is. When you
maneuver, you have less energy for shields. When you fire, you
have no shields. Avoid getting moving too fast - it takes a long
time to slow back down. <br>
On the Insecter game, hold your left mouse button down, and your
spider will move toward where the mouse pointer is. You try to
jump on the flies, but avoid the ants. Watch out for the
computer-controlled (gray) spider - it's quick, and takes no time
to make up its mind... If it's nearby, it will jump on you before
you know it, and take away all your points! <br>
<b>Here is my web-site:</b><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.dvorak-keyboards.com/Aere_Greenway.html">http://www.dvorak-keyboards.com/Aere_Greenway.html</a><br>
P.S. - You might find our cross-country bicycle adventures
interesting as well. I've bicycled from Canada to Mexico. <br>
- Aere<br>
On 05/21/2013 12:02 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:519BB6B3.5010505@Dvorak-Keyboards.com"
type="cite">On 05/21/2013 08:54 AM, Yorvyk wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">Games, do we need the in Lubuntu and if so
which? Personally I see no problem with Ace of Penguin.
It seems that all of the Lubuntu games are some sort of card game.
If you like card games, that's fine.
I don't pretend to be a majority opinion, but I never have liked
card games.
I have developed several games which I would be willing to
contribute, but they need work to make them into something that
could be distributed.
One of them (my best), called "Asteroid Battle", could be put in
finished form without too much work. But it requires the default
Java JRE (library) which is i bit 'heavy' for some machines
(though it works fine on my 450 megahertz 384 meg RAM machine).
The other problem with this, is that I am very busy for this (and
the next few) months. But I could have it ready well before
This game actually installs using Java web-start (Netx), and works
on Windows and Mac as well. I could write a Debian package for it
(but I'm not very skilled at that, and doing the 'man' page I
would have to learn).
In this game, you maneuver your ship in an asteroid field (trying
not to hit one), trying to maneuver yourself to get shots at ships
of the opposing fleet. Your ship is also a member of a fleet, and
you must avoid damaging ships of your fleet (even in the explosion
of an enemy ship). The shots you (and the opponents fire do not
penetrate asteroids, and the effects of exploding ships are also
blocked by asteroids.
I have another game (called "Insecter") which could be fairly
quickly put into 'releasable' condition.
I already have help documents for both games.
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