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<font size="-1"><font face="Arial">Read on about <font size="-1">L<font
size="-1">ubuntu 12.10 after this int<font size="-1">ro: </font></font></font>I
have been troubleshooting a behavior in which many LTSP clients
on my Lubuntu 12.10 LTSP server fail to boot. <font size="-1">They
st<font size="-1">all after the Lubuntu splash screen at a
blank, b<font size="-1">lack screen.</font></font></font><br>
But <font size="-1">o</font>ne of the PC's that fails to boot
as an LTSP client also * has enough resources to boot the
Lubuntu 12.10 Live CD<font size="-1"> *</font>, so I tried that,
and I found that it fails to boot with the same stalled blank,
black screen after the Lubuntu splash screen. I left it like
that for ~ 15 minutes to check for an 8-minute stall (which
another user reported elsewhere), and it didn't budge.<br>
Since Valerio P is troubleshooting (below) what seems like the
same behavior with LTSP clients on Edu/Ubuntu 12.04 servers, and
since I show the same behavior also on a Lubuntu 12.10 Live CD,
I now wonder if this is a *buntu 12.04/12.10 problem related to
certain chipsets or video chips. Complicating that observation
somewhat, I note this machine I just ran the Live CD on had run
both Lubuntu and Ubuntu 12.04 without such a behavior.<br>
On 12/4/2012 4:16 PM, John Hupp wrote:<br>
> Valerio Pachera on the Edubuntu list has been
troubleshooting what seems like the very same problem. His
thread came apart somehow but you can see all the posts here: <a
> He got his clients working *most* of the time by disabling
NBD compression. (Undoubtedly performance has taken a hit.) He
refers to documentation of a previous problem with NBD
compression on fat clients which presumably was solved, but now
gives the appearance of having returned. See <a
size="-1">. However, one LTSP guru<font size="-1"> replied
that it was like<font size="-1">ly</font> that NBD
compression was not the cause of the problem<font size="-1">,
but </font>was merely allow the real ca<font size="-1">us<font
size="-1">e</font> to manifest this behavior.<br>
> I checked out the NBD compression issue nonetheless. On my
server, there was no /etc/ltsp/ltsp-update-image.conf file, but
I created one, added the NO_COMP line, and updated the image.
This did not solve the problem with any clients I tested.
Though our respective setups are different on a number of
points, detailed pretty well here: <a