Greetings All,<div><br></div><div>I have been a fan and user of Linux since 1998! I have tried several distros, from Red Hat when it was free, Mandrake, Turbo, and so on! I have never been involved with a distro project and I have always wanted to contribute to this fabulous movement some how. In 2006 I started using Ubuntu and I have not looked back. I was a strict KDE user until then! The whole meaning of Ubuntu and what the project stand for, has converted me to a complete Linux user instead of a virtual user. I now run Windows virtually from Linux! I have no doubt that Linux is about to take over the OS market and Ubuntu will be leading the way!!! </div>
<div><br></div><div>Now, since Ubuntu 11.10 the system started becoming more of a hardware hog!!! Unfortunately, I have always been a fan of Linux because of it low hardware resource usage. I have some pretty old stuff running now and I must say that Lubuntu has made my machines run much faster and bring a new since of involvement for me with Linux. Thanks so much for adding to this project I would like to lend my services wherever the greatest needs lie. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Finally in over a decade of using Linux distros I must say that this in one of the best simple implementations available!!! Continue to keep up the good work!!!</div><div><br></div><div>Be Blessed!!!</div>