Hi,<br><br>Having followed several posts that seem to have solved this problem in Ubuntu earlier, I am not able to solve it in Lubuntu.<br>I am using Firefox 10.0.2. I do have "nautilus" installed, but of-course the default file-manager is "pcmanfm", and I've tried setting both of those in "prefs.js" like --<br>
user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.file", "nautilus");<br>also tried with,<br> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.file", "pcmanfm");<br><br>with and without full path for those. Having restarted firefox and retried, don't think those 2 helped.<br>
<br>Symptoms are that in the Download window if I double-click or right-click "Open" or "Open containing folder", nothing happens.<br>Anyone has a similar problem, and knows what to do to fix it, s.t. expected actions happen ?<br>