[lubuntu-users] 18.04 LTS support length? (uninvolved at outlook.com)

Aere Greenway aere at dvorak-keyboards.com
Thu May 21 16:27:50 UTC 2020

On 5/21/20 8:36 AM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
>     Having now used LXQt, I'm much happier with LXDE. I'd like to
>     stick with LXDE as long as realistically possible, though I
>     understand (I think) the difficulties around that.
>     Can anyone clear this up, thanks
> @et al:
> I'm pretty sure that even in 20.10 Lu that I have now, the option of 
> LXQT, LXDE, or Openbox sessions are available on log in?
> Possibly Aere G could confirm that, but I believe there was a 
> conversation regarding something similar not too long ago here?  
> Likely at least 20.04 . . . I'm a couple days away from my "lubuntu" 
> day . . . .
> F
I'm pretty sure you have to install the lxde package, before the LXDE 
option appears in the "Session" drop-box, near the upper left corner of 
the log-in screen.


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