[lubuntu-users] Find Lubuntu Images Missing from Lubuntu/Support

Eric Bradshaw ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org
Wed Mar 4 10:21:37 UTC 2020

From: Johanes Hutapea <dejoebad at yahoo.com>

can open the page... yes, it does have warning of security risk... but, 
you can proceed to open the page... click or tap on "advance..." button 
below... then, click or tap tiny link said "proceed..."

Johanes Hutapea,

Thank you for letting me know there was an easy work-around. As I 
indicate to Andre Campos Rodovalho below, I think those messages could 
have been especially worrisome to new visitors.

Eric Bradshaw

Thank You,
God Bless You,

From: Andre Campos Rodovalho <andre.rodovalho at gmail.com>

SSL certificate expired.
There's no risk for you Eric, the Let's Ecrypt certificates need to be 

Andre Campos Rodovalho,

Thanks for responding to my post and reassuring me there's no risk - and 
I see the Let's Ecrypt certificate(s) were refreshed now - maybe Lubuntu 
was their one billionth customer! Anyway, I thought those warnings could 
be disconcerting to (some - especially new) visitors.

Eric Bradshaw

Thank You,
God Bless You,

On Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 11:26, Eric Bradshaw 
<ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org> wrote:

Visiting the Official Lubuntu Home Phabricator 
[https://phab.lubuntu.me], Manual [https://manual.lubuntu.me], or Forum 
[https://manual.lubuntu.me] pages makes Firefox say, "Warning: Potential 
Security Risk Ahead..." and Google Chrome say, "Your connection is not 
private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information..." I tried 
also on my Android phone using Duck Duck Go and it said nothing but, 
refused to load any of those pages.

Eric Bradshaw

Thank You,
God Bless You,

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