[lubuntu-users] Find Lubuntu Images Missing from Lubuntu/Support

Eric Bradshaw ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org
Wed Mar 4 02:43:12 UTC 2020

The Lubuntu/Support page on the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki lists this 
General Mailing List for Feedback and/or Suggestions, so I figure this 
is the place/way to report things such as these:

The images for the "Find Lubuntu" section of the Lubuntu/Support page 
[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Support#Find_Lubuntu] linked 
to lubuntu.blogspot.com (removed), 
https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial, www.youtube.com/user/Lubuntu101, 
and www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/ (removed), all apparently on tinypic.com, 
are no longer available. Each one replaced with tinypic's goodbye.jpg, 
which is 300x300; large enough for me to have to scroll right to see 
them all, even on a widescreen monitor.

Eric Bradshaw

Thank You,
God Bless You,

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