[lubuntu-users] difficulties getting kernel 5.5.0 debs to build correctly

Jordan Z animadiversion at outlook.com
Tue Jan 28 22:31:56 UTC 2020


I decided to upgrade from to 5.5.0 manually.  I had no problem 
with wget.  dpkg has been difficult though.  dpkg either calls for a 
number of dependencies which are not available, or fails to unpack the 
deb properly.  The canonical-kernel-team PPA which I've relied on for 
kernel updates appears to be behind the times a bit (5.4.x was 
introduced in Nov 2019 from what i gather.)  Should I try again, or wait 
for the PPA to upgrade to 5.5 eventually?  Honestly, I don't need most 
of the features of 5.5, but I like to have the newest kernel.



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