[lubuntu-users] "System problem detected"??
Paul Sutton
zleap at disroot.org
Fri Jan 10 18:24:30 UTC 2020
On 10/01/2020 17:43, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> @Walter:
> So unchecking that in the LXQT Session Settings tab, did solve that
> questioning problem, and while I was there I unchecked "lock screen
> before suspending" as my computer station is not in a public area, etc.
> While I was there I saw something about "Compton compositer" in that
> same basic area, and that was "unchecked" . . . ?? I thought that
> Compton is the more or less default compositer these days? I looked
> around to see if there was somewhere else where I had overridden
> Compton, but didn't find it in a fast look. My problem is that I have 5
> linux installs and a few OSX installs going in the same computer, so it
> never gets too "in depth" of a relationship with each system . . . it
> remains largely "superficial" in nature.
> Speaking of "superficial" . . . I did a Lu 20.04 upgrade a day or so
> back and after a re-start the "system problem detected" error window
> opened, and I click "go" on "reporting it" . . . but unlike in prior
> days there isn't any "would you like more information about this?" tab
> to see what it is. Up in the toolbar applets there was some kind of
> symbol and I clicked or right-clicked on it and it showed "There is a
> problem, right click on Package Manager to fix the problem" . . . I
> scrolled down and clicked on "launch package manager" and synaptic
> opened . . . and that was showing "no problems detected." I went to the
> "fix dependencies" tab and a milli-second later it showed "dependencies
> fixed." : - ))
> This morning a booted Lu and got the same "system problem" error . . . I
> fiddled on the net, and awhile later there was a "you have updates
> waiting for your command" notification . . . I thought, Oh, maybe that
> will fix the problem with the system, ran them, logged out, ate
> breakfast . . . came back and logged in to the same error . . . ?? I
> autoremoved "libplymouth4" and logged out . . . got same error.
> All updates are mostly run via console and apt and just using apt
> recommends, not fiddling with trying to add other stuff . . . and yet .
> . . some "problem" is being reported?? Nothing appears overtly wrong
> with the system functions . . . .
> F
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 1:29 PM Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com
> <mailto:este.el.paz at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Walter:
> Thanks for finding that answer . . . I'll give it a try tomorrow
> morning . . . .
I used to get this issue quite often with Lubuntu, one of the reasons I
dumped it favour of Mint, I am no on Debian. For some reason trying
to report the issue fails or you get the status thing moving back and
forth for ages, so no idea what it was actually doing.
There has to be an issue somewhere if these issues are still in 20.04
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