[lubuntu-users] Install problems? try do-release-upgrade ??

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 15:14:49 UTC 2020

Gents, et al:

Problems with fresh install?  If there was a Lu install already there, why
not run it in the console via "do-release-upgrade" . . . everything you had
set up should remain, and only new "/" is dropped in.

Or, the way I've been doing it, change the /etc/apt/sources.list  from
"bionic" or whatever to "focal" and then run update/upgrade.  All you need
is a base install, which if you have to run a fresh install via alternate
installer that works, do that, then upgrade it via console.

I was in 20.04 . . . and a couple of days I back I went to Groovy . . .
before there is Groovy, I'm "there" . . . from focal . . . found a simple
command online to run that changes the sources.list very fast.  Easy.  No
messing with the installer . . . is that "calamares"????

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