[lubuntu-users] Is this it for Lubuntu QA Disco QA?

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 16:10:19 UTC 2019


Recently did a fresh install of Lu 19.04 into manual partitioned multi-boot
system and back into the old Home folder--and all of that went well.
Looking over the various "Ubuntu" options shows options for "manual
partition" and "re-using old home folder" but in the Lubuntu Disco suite it
looks like only two??  Is this it for the options for testing report on
Lubuntu Disco?  "Calamares install full disk," and "live session"???

Have not had a chance to go through each and every application and/or
window, a few minor problems have been reported here on this list . . . not
problematic enough to take the time for a bug report process, yet.

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