[lubuntu-users] PCManFM default sort order

Jerry Van Brimmer jwfj77 at zoho.com
Wed Mar 21 20:42:14 UTC 2018

Hi Israel, 

Comment below ... 

---- On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:17:46 -0700 Israel <israeldahl at gmail.com> wrote ----

Hi Jerry

 (inline below)

 On 03/21/2018 12:11 PM, Jerry Van Brimmer wrote:

Is there a way to force PCManFM to always use "Sort Files > Ascending > By Name" ?
 I can set the sort order to Ascending > By Name, but it doesn't stay that way. Every once in a while I'll click on some folder and it changes back to Descending > By Modification Time. Very annoying. 
 I found on the web that this has been a long standing complaint about PCManFM. 
 I found this workaround:
 You can use View > Sort Files to change the order in which PCManFM lists the files, but PCManFM won't remember that the next time you start it. To make it remember, go to Edit > Preferences and close. That will write your current sort_type and sort_by values into ~/.config/pcmanfm/LXDE/pcmanfm.conf.
Not 100% sure if this will solve your issue... but

 You might simply copy your config file to the default.


Thanks for the tip, but I have tried that, in that I changed the sort line to:


But PCManFM still defaults to "Descending > By Modification Time" on occasion.

I can't figure out why and when it's going to do it. The only way I can prevent it is by setting the sort order the way I want it to be, and then setting "View > Sort Files > Ascending > By Name", and then setting "View > Preserve This Folder's Settings". Then it will preserve the sort order I have set for that folder. But, I can't be doing this for each and every folder I visit.

Found that here: http://tinyurl.com/phq7ska on the Arch Linux Wiki site. But that workaround doesn't always work.


 Is there a solution to this, or is this annoying problem by design? 



I'm using Lubuntu 17.10.1 64bit fully updated. 

God bless,

Jerry Van Brimmer

Sent using Zoho Mail

-- Regards

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