[lubuntu-users] On keeping LXDE for LTS

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at lubuntu.me
Tue Sep 5 21:07:28 UTC 2017


On 09/03/2017 10:16 AM, JMZ wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, I deleted the thread on this topic.  Still I'd like to make one
> observation.
> I think it was Art who suggested maintaining LXDE on the LTS releases. 
> This is a good idea for a reason: some people like me are running
> ancient computers (seven years old here) and don't want to put the time
> and effort into completely redesigning old gear.  If I want to run LXQt
> on periodical upgrades, I would buy a gently used, much newer computer
> and run LXQt on that box.  The really old computers aren't worth the
> time for experimentation.

What might happen is that we'll stick with Lubuntu LXDE for 18.04 LTS,
and have a smooth upgrade procedure and all the bugs worked out for
20.04. While it *may* be an option on the table, it's not an option I'd
personally like to take. Once LXDE is gone, I don't want to bring it
back unless it gets a GTK 3 or even GTK 4/etc. port.

That being said, the support period for 18.04 will be until April of
2021 for Lubuntu. Once that time comes around (maybe even when 18.04 is
released), we can discuss support periods for LXDE. If somebody has a
whole stack built on Lubuntu and doesn't feel like that's enough time to
migrate it, please feel free to personally contact me if that is nowhere
near enough time for you and we can work something out.
(don't worry, when we finally look at deprecating LXDE, we'll work
something out, this won't be the final chance...)

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at lubuntu.me
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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