[lubuntu-users] Bionic Beaver -Apport

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 15:37:27 UTC 2017

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 1:35 PM, Ian Bruntlett <ian.bruntlett at gmail.com>

>  Hi Fritzm
> On 7 December 2017 at 21:07, Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, to actually use apport, it can start in the console, but then to get
>> to Launchpad it needs a browser to log into LP and then I believe you go
>> back to the console to send the "apport."  I don't think the OP was saying
>> he doesn't have a GUI??
> I've looked up the appropriate journal that describes what I did to get
> debugging info sent to launchpad for the bug where 80% of the screen is
> black and you are unable to use apport because of that...
> On the computer with the graphics problem I did this:-
> apport-cli -f -p linux --save 32-bit-graphics.apport
> The above command gathered debugging information and put it in the file
> 32-bit-graphics.apport
> I then copied that file to USB flash drive and copied it to a computer to
> report it.
> On the working computer I did this:-
> ubuntu-bug -c 32-bit-graphics.apport
> Apologies if this information is at a bit of a tangent. My motive is to
> get this information out into the open.
> HTH,
> Ian
> @Ian:

Well the purpose of this list serve is information sharing, and at times a
bug report needs to be filed . . . sans GUI  . . . .

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