[lubuntu-users] AskUbuntu Tag

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at lubuntu.me
Mon Sep 26 11:25:03 UTC 2016

Good morning,

Just a short reminder that we have a designated place on AskUbuntu for
people to tag their Lubuntu-related questions. Here it is:

If someone could go through and answer a few questions there when they
have a minute, that would be great. This evening I will subscribe to the
RSS feed (on the bottom of the page) myself and attempt to navigate
through a few of them.

For example, here is one submitted 7 hours ago that someone could either
ask clarifying questions about or straight up answer:

Have a nice day!

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at lubuntu.me
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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