[lubuntu-users] Some problems with 16.04 you might not know about

Aere Greenway Aere at Dvorak-Keyboards.com
Mon Sep 26 04:41:19 UTC 2016

On 09/25/2016 10:31 PM, E James wrote:
> 2. Wireless connection. It took me several attempts, including a reboot, before I spotted the problem. I was typing my friend's wireless key as he read it to me and the system kept ignoring me - no connection, no error message. Finally I noticed that the connection manager was giving up and going into "offline" mode before I finished typing. Whose bright idea was that? I had to use copy and paste in order to enter the key sufficiently quickly.
I noticed this problem with 16.04, in various Ubuntu 'flavors'.  It 
appears (to me) that it doesn't give you enough time to type in the 
wireless passphrase.

I worked around it (my passphrase is quite long) by typing the 
passphrase into a text editor, then selecting it and copying it, then 
initiating connection to wireless, then pasting it into the dialog box 
quickly, and hitting 'enter'.

This is a pain to do, but it let me work-around the problem.


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