[lubuntu-users] [Lubuntu-admins] Lubuntu Team Meeting notes

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 16 13:10:49 UTC 2016

Works for me. Is it just this one time?

@wxl | polka.bike
c563 cac5 8be1 2f22 a49d
68f6 8b57 a48b c4f2 051a

On Sep 15, 2016 18:26, "Simon Quigley" <tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> On 09/15/2016 07:17 PM, Walter Lapchynski wrote:
> > We had our regular 2nd Wednesday meeting yesterday and I wanted to
> > update everyone with the [meeting notes][1]. Simon had a fair number of
> > [agenda items][2] but was not able to attend. Expect an email from him
> > by tomorrow to elaborate on those subjects.
> >
> > Please make sure to put it on your calendar to join us for the [next
> > meeting][3] Wednesday, 12 October 2016 at 1900 UTC. If you have any
> > [agenda items][2] please make sure to add them to the wiki.
> I would like to propose that this time be changed to Wednesday, 12
> October 2016 from 17:15-18:15 UTC. This way I'll be able to make it.
> That's 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM my time, and my lunch hour is from 12:15 PM
> to 1:06 PM.
> Thoughts from everyone? I CCed the usual people who attend to get their
> thoughts specifically as well. Who can't make it?
> --
> Simon Quigley
> tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
> tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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