[lubuntu-users] usb tethering not working?
Narcis Garcia
informatica at actiu.net
Sat Sep 3 13:42:26 UTC 2016
I install many computers with GNU/Linux (laptop and desktop), and 99% of
Wifi adapters worked, some with special configuration, and some without
any special.
El 02/09/16 a les 14:27, Marlon Ng ha escrit:
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com
> <mailto:lproven at gmail.com>> wrote:
> On 2 September 2016 at 14:11, Marlon Ng <guikaye at gmail.com
> <mailto:guikaye at gmail.com>> wrote:
> > I understand what you're saying, but based on my experience, I have to
> > disagree with you that the purpose of USB tethering is for the PC to use the
> > phone's mobile data connection. I very seldom use mobile data connection as
> > that would be expensive. I assure you that I always use the phone's wifi so
> > my desktop can connect to the internet.
> I honestly see no point in having a $300-$600 self-powered wifi
> adaptor which requires an app and manual setup when they are so cheap.
> https://www.google.com/search?output=search&tbm=shop&q=usb+wifi+dongle&oq=usb+wifi+dongle&gs_l=products-cc.3..0l5.675.675.0.1000.,mr:1,cat:290,pdtr0:734889%7C734890,pdtr1:709607%7C709608,price:1,ppr_max:15&tbm=shop&q=usb+wifi
> <https://www.google.com/search?output=search&tbm=shop&q=usb+wifi+dongle&oq=usb+wifi+dongle&gs_l=products-cc.3..0l5.675.675.0.1000.,mr:1,cat:290,pdtr0:734889%7C734890,pdtr1:709607%7C709608,price:1,ppr_max:15&tbm=shop&q=usb+wifi>
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but most wifi adapters don't work in linux,
> right? Or at least where I'm from, it's very rare if at all that I see
> wifi adapters that work in linux, and I HAVE been looking around. I'm
> also hesitant to order online. Also, you might say I can use
> ndiswrapper, but ndiswrapper can be very unstable sometimes.
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