[lubuntu-users] Does the computer support "suspend"?

Israel israeldahl at gmail.com
Fri May 6 19:59:52 UTC 2016

On 05/06/2016 01:46 PM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 5:00 AM, 
> <lubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com 
> <mailto:lubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     You can see if the computer supports suspend by running
>     pm-is-supported --suspend
>     The hibernate command is similar
>     pm-is-supported --hibernate
> @Israel:
> So, I just checked these commands in my PwrMac 3,1 using both a live 
> Lubuntu 16.04 session, and in the installed U-Mate 16.04 system . . . 
> and it just returns to the prompt, without comment.  Is that the 
> "definitive" indication that neither "suspend" or "hibernate" is 
> available on this computer, OR, that is the command to "activate" the 
> system so that it will "suspend"??
if it returns nothing after the command run
echo $?
if you get a 0, this means YES
> In the Lu session, using those commands did not put the system to 
> sleep, only the display went dark . . . and it wouldn't "revive" . . . 
> .  So, I'm not going gung ho on this, just trying out the suggested 
> commands . . . seemingly did not "work" on this PPC unit.
It does NOT mean it will wake up correctly, though... :(  It just means 
you can suspend.

What graphics card do you have
lspci | grep VGA
> F


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