[lubuntu-users] Setting time zone in Lu 16

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 23:17:12 UTC 2016

On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 10:45 PM, <lubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>

> On 03/26/2016 06:26 PM, Brendan Perrine wrote:
> > I think menu -> system tools -> time and date is what allows you to
> > change the time zone with  a GUI in lubuntu.
> Yes, it should look a bit like this:
> http://i.imgur.com/x9VAlPX.png
> The theme may make the border and color slightly different but the
> principle is the same. If one wishes to change it then they can set
> the time zone settings and then have it sync with the 'net or they can
> set it manually. That *should* be configurable while in the Live USB.
> David


Thanks for the replies . . . I guess what has thrown me off is that there
was no "down arrow" on the right side of the "timezone" bar, just the "keep
synchronized" and/or "manual" bar . . . with other buntu flavors that
seemed to adjust itslef along with the time.  Other times in Lu this
setting the time, shows up as "different" in my gmail account.  So, thanks,
I've changed it in the LiveDVD session . . . I'll see if it makes a dif.

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