[lubuntu-users] C4C Lubuntu 16.04 ReSpin Released

Eric Bradshaw ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org
Thu Jun 2 03:08:25 UTC 2016


The C4C Lubuntu 16.04 ReSpin, a Christian operating system based on 
Lubuntu, has been released. It includes an array of Christian software 
and media, as well as useful secular packages. The C4C Lubuntu ReSpin 
removes five major default packages from Lubuntu, but adds twenty two. 
The 64-bit and 32-bit ISOs are freely available from 5 different 
locations [listed here 
http://computers4christians.org/FAQ/Install/Install.html] and are easily 
installed via DVD or USB. Run live to try out the OS, "rescue" files 
from a computer that no longer works properly and/or wipe all the files 
on a particular Hard Disk Drive. Instructions for all of the above are 
available right on the live desktop. Please enjoy.


Thank You,
God Bless You,

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