[lubuntu-users] Lubuntu Yakkety Yak Alpha 2 Call for Testing

Narcis Garcia informatica at actiu.net
Thu Jul 28 07:12:47 UTC 2016

It has no sense that Lubuntu-aternate ISO (and maybe desktop too)
exceeds 700MB.

Debian-Live-LXDE exceeds the normal CD size too.

El 28/07/16 a les 00:58, Simon Quigley ha escrit:
> Greetings,
> Looking at the tests again, it would be nice to finish up one last
> *mandatory* Lubuntu Alternate i386 test and the optional ones, but I'd
> like to give a HUGE thanks to Nio and Brendan for completing these tests
> before I even had to say anything. I seriously don't know if the Lubuntu
> team would release anything without these guys. :)
> Also, if anybody with a PPC machine would like to test to make sure it
> works, even though we aren't releasing an image, that would be great. :)

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