[lubuntu-users] [lubuntu-devel] Abiword in Lubuntu 16.04 LTS - how to get rid of flickering

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 18:18:06 UTC 2016

Hi Rafael, Simon and Julien,

What about switching the default theme for Lubuntu in 16.04.1 LTS so 
that it will come with a working Abiword? In other words to do the 
work-around instead of leaving it to the end user?

Or will that break some other functionality?

Best regards

Den 2016-07-06 kl. 18:53, skrev rafaellaguna at ubuntu.com:
> Don't worry. As soon as Light Themes (Ubuntu) drops some engine controls
> and starts using native ones (like Adwaita does) this bug (and others)
> will disappear. As we use Ubuntu core theme, it's not on us to fix it,
> but it will be eventually.
> Rafael Laguna Graphics & UIX Design · www.rafaellaguna.net Lubuntu
> Artwork Team · Ubuntu Design Team
> On Wed, 6 Jul, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Simon Quigley <tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nio, Thank you for taking the time to find out a workaround for
>> this. Your work is greatly appreciated. :) As for the bug(
>> https://pad.lv/1574278 ), it seems to be an artwork issue, so I've
>> carbon-copied Rafael Laguna to bring this to his attention. Have a
>> nice day!
>> --
>> Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com <mailto:tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com>
>> tsimonq2 on Freenode

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