[lubuntu-users] alternate beta1

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 14:14:30 UTC 2016

Hi Simon,

I see that you are testing now.

I tested the i386 iso file, and failed to get wired internet (ethernet).

Hi everybody,

If you know a bit more about networking, please suggest which package 
should be addressed in the bug report (if another package than 
debian-installer). We would also be happy to get tips about a workaround.

The network bug is partially squashed in the new beta 1 iso file dated 



The network is available duing boot, but the installed system does not 
connect automatically via ethernet as it should.

With the previous iso file, I could not connect at all, now I can 
connect via wifi, so there is an improvement.

I don't know if this is another aspect of the bug 1616400, that the 
installer did not create a good installed system, or if it is a new bug, 
and in that case where to report it. (Wired network is greyed out in 

Tested in 

Best regards

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