[lubuntu-users] Can live USB version number be included at boot?

scrooyahoo at riseup.net scrooyahoo at riseup.net
Mon Aug 1 04:22:32 UTC 2016

 From a endusers perspective it would be nice if a full version could be 

I now have several sticks

16.04.0 32, 64 bit
16.04.1 32 bit and pae

But when they boot they all look the same.

It can save many people a lot of time if this is displayed BEFORE 
loading into the live environment.

I put stickers on them, and still it is a hassle.

Now i'm sure it also be a hassle to add such a change, but it would 
improve the user experience.

Also when having multiboot where it is not possible to read from a 
sticker what is currently loaded. :-)

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