[lubuntu-users] lubuntu minimal

oui at mailoo.org oui at mailoo.org
Fri Apr 29 12:36:08 UTC 2016


I did install yesterday Lubuntu minimal, not really to finish it so and
use a minimal install but to install only a base and adapt it as well as
possible to my own needs. 

One of my needs is to use Jwm as, normally, Jwm offers an complete
minimal desktop environment (including management of background pictures
and keyboard, especially keyboard layout specification) all in only one
unique document for the superuser). It seems to be so that the jwm
version installed does not be able to manage pictures, or if, that the
maintainer of jwm did economize terribly in his comments. so I did have
to install xli. 

An other need would be the use of Xombrero. apt-get installs Xombrero
(not xxxterm as in 15.10). But this version breaks in many (long) pages
where the precedent special Lubuntu Xombrero version from the external
depository for minimal Lubuntu and xxterm did not. And also the language
preparation is not ideal for newbies having used Xombrero in the past: I
can understand that the comments are all in English, but I can't
understand that the default values (hunspell ;-) ) are also in English
if you install in German (and probably on French etc.). Xombrero is
really a very good, complete and fast browser and it was an excellent
choice to select it for a minimal installation. But an bit more is
needing concerning the elaboration of the stuff world wide! Ubuntu /
Lubuntu is not a mono language system like Puppy linux... 

Kind regards 

nb: installed were: sudo apt-get install menu 9menu ayttm bluefish clex
cups deskscribe darktable didiwiki evince flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
fonts-alee fonts-cwtex-fs fonts-gfs-artemisia fonts-hanazono
fonts-samyak-taml fonts-sarai fonts-uralic gramps grun hunspell-fr jwm
merkaartor marble-qt mhwaveedit mtpaint paman paprefs pasystray
pavucontrol pavumeter pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils ratpoison rox-filer sc
synaptic tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-deu unrar unzip unrtf viewnior
vokoscreen xfce4-appfinder xombrero xsane AND:
skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb ted-2.23-amd64.deb
ted_de_DE-2.23.all.deb ted_en_GB-2.23.all.deb ted_fr_FR-2.23.all.deb
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