[lubuntu-users] Lubuntu (and / or other flavours) on Acer Aspire One ZG5 AOA110 AOA150

Friet Pan frietpan at ymail.com
Thu Apr 28 12:32:37 UTC 2016

It turns out to be very difficult to get Lubuntu running on the ZG5 models and when it runs it is extrelmely unreliable.
Standard i386 image doesn't even boot propperly (from USB drives that boot fine with 14.04)
Alternative image Install takes about 3-4 hours to install.
Then the Synaptics touchpad does not work. There is no BIOS setting for this touchpad.And adding psmouse. .... (several options) to the GRUB also did not work

During install Wifi worked fineAt first boot Wifi worker2nd boot wifi failed3rd boot it worked again (during boot we've seen a few DMA erros)desktop took very long to load.4th boot seemed fine exept no wifi.. and wifi never worked againhere we started playing with psmouse settings in grubnone that we tried worked for the touchpad...
psmouse.proto=imps ... and update grub
psmouse.proto=bare ... and update grubi think there was a 3rd one we tried, cant find that one again...Then turned grub back to its original state ... and update grub7th or 8th boot still worked
9th or so it nolonger booted then the attention turned to other flavours. Non of them wanted to install on this Acer model 
1GB RAM 8GB SSDLubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 both work fine on this model. 

Full specs: http://acersupport.com/acerpanam/netbook/0000/Acer/AspireOneAOA110/AspireOneAOA110sp2.shtml

These models turned out to be very pleasant to work with With Lubuntu. The tiny screen, is juuuuust big enough. Some Ubuntu / Lubuntu (14.04) config screens barely fit.  Others don't fit at all but the OK button can be reached by counting tab presses. so that eventually saved the day in the past. This might be something to keep in mind for future releases of Lubuntu?   Lubuntu is fine on low spec machines, but low spec machines also have low spec displays. And if you cant reach certain config screens (Or OK / Apply / Save buttons) then that can be a problem.
But.  Touchpad, WiFi, Stable running?  Any idea's how to Lubuntify this monster?

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