[lubuntu-users] Configuring X-Screen saver

Eric Bradshaw ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org
Fri Apr 15 13:10:51 UTC 2016

> Hi All,
> I've got a friend who interprets a blank computer screen as a crashed
> system.
> So I started playing about with xscreen-saver on Lubuntu 32-bit.
> Decided that adding "screen saver" to the text of  the GLText screen saver
> would be a good idea.
> So I did that.
> However, I have three questions:-
> In the configuration screen of GLText, what do these options mean...
> 1. "Blank after x minutes"
> 2. "Cycle after x minutes"
> and lastly
> 3. How do I configure the system so that the XScreenSaver Daemon is always
> started?
> Thanks :)
> Ian


The configuration you're speaking of under the Display Modes tab is for 
all available screen savers. It is in that tab that you first choose the 
Mode [drop down menu with the choices of Disable Screen Saver, Blank 
Screen Only, Only One Screen Saver and Random Screen Saver], then - as 
in the case of Only One Screen Saver - the chosen screen saver, which in 
your case is GLText.

The next two menu explanations are shown as tool tips(? sorry, can't 
think of the proper term at the moment) so that you'll see them when 
hovering the cursor over the number for a second or two:
Blank After X minutes is "How long before the screen saver activates"
Cycle After X minutes is "How long each display mode should run before 
choosing a new one (in Random Mode)" and, as it indicates, it only comes 
into play when you've chosen more than one screen saver to be cycled 

To configure the system so that XScreenSaver is always started:
Go to Menu --> Preferences --> Default Applications for LXSession
Choose the Autostart "tab" on the left
Under Manual autostarted applications, type in the text box the next line:
xscreensaver -no-splash
and then hit the "+Add" button. Reboot and you should have everything 
you asked for.


Thank You,
God Bless You,

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