lxshortcut on lubuntu 14.04.1 (trusty) kernel, 3.16.0-48-generic, Xorg version 1.16.0, no gcc

Eric Bradshaw ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org
Fri Sep 11 12:58:31 UTC 2015

From: Henri Vanparijs <vanparijsh at gmail.com>
To: lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: lxshortcut on lubuntu 14.04.1 (trusty) kernel
	3.16.0-48-generic, Xorg version 1.16.0, no gcc
	<CANWXqxaywmHR_mdRo4=JFR=v66j6WDQq34NsdMz2NsEw_iwYxw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear all,

while trying to create a desktop link to a folder I get the following
message after entering :

lxshortcut -o /home/namex/folderx ,in a terminal

** (lxshortcut:1550): WARNING **: file properties dialog: cannot access
desktop entry file

Can anybody help with that please ?
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Henri Vanparijs,

First let me apologize - I don't actually use lxshortcut. But there is some info here that may help you: http://www.pcurtis.com/lubuntu.htm#desktop_launcher

Hopefully, the "default" way of creating a shortcut to a folder will help you too. It's the Exec properties of a .desktop entry file (shortcut) that does the work. The file manager, (PCmanFM is the default in Lubuntu) is told to navigate to a folder by following a specified path.

First here is an example of a folder in the file system (of one of my children's computers) called US-State-Capitals:
Exec=pcmanfm -n /usr/share/extra-games/Edu-Flash/History-Geography/US-State-Capitals

Second is an example of a folder nearer to what you asked for. This opens a folder called C4C-Logo-New two deep in my own home folder:
Exec=pcmanfm -n /home/eric/C4C/C4C-Logo-New

More info:

God Bless You,

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