Lubuntu 15.10 64 Bit Nvidia XServer Settings

Brendan Perrine walterorlin at
Thu Oct 22 18:07:11 UTC 2015

On Thu, 22 Oct 2015 10:24:15 -0200
Andre Campos Rodovalho <andre.rodovalho at> wrote:

> had this problem
I don't personally have much nvidia expirence but I would try the save button in lxrandr or there is an xrandr option to save this in default apps for lxsession if you know the command line. The previous way to do this invovled the arandr package but it has a command line integrated utility known as unxrandr that will dump your the xrandr command to give you the xrandr command for the current screen. I don't have any modern nvidia  hardware so I don't know if the proprietary driver breaks any of these ways. 
Brendan Perrine <walterorlin at>

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