Keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+C CTRL+V) don't work when keyboard is set to Hebrew

אלעד הן eladhen2 at
Mon Mar 9 17:43:11 UTC 2015

Hi Marc,

I don't know what FCITX is, but as I shared earlier, I solved the problem
as far as I'm concerned. The bug is still there, but that's a different
story and I'm not sure how to help with that.

אלעד הן
נייד: 052-5348554

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Marc Tremblay <mtremblay at> wrote:

>  Have you tried installing FCITX as an input method framework?
> *From:* lubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:
> lubuntu-users-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *???? ??
> *Sent:* March-01-15 5:56 AM
> *To:* lubuntu-users at
> *Subject:* Fwd: Keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+C CTRL+V) don't work when
> keyboard is set to Hebrew
> Hi everyone. I'm a total newbie and probably doing this wrong but bare
> with me... I tried searching for answers to this problem, but although I've
> found several references to it, I couldn't find a solution.
> Anyway, I installed lubuntu 14.04 (not the 64 bit version) on my old
> laptop and I'm very pleased with the performances.
> When word-processing I mostly use Hebrew, and I've found the Keyboard
> shortcuts don't work when I'm the keyboard is switched to Hebrew. This
> means that every time I want to copy and paste in Hebrew I first have to
> switch back to English, use the shortcuts and switch back to Hebrew. This
> is a very big problem for the flow of work, and makes the shortcuts hardly
> short.
> Does anyone have a solution for this?
> Thank you.
> אלעד הן
> נייד: 052-5348554
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