new here, please help

Israel israeldahl at
Mon Jan 12 13:57:33 UTC 2015

Please be sure to reply to the entire list (so others can see the
questions too)

On 01/12/2015 05:04 AM, Marlon Ng wrote:
> Thank you Israel,
> So I have downloaded Kompozer and it's a .tar.gz file. I created a new
> folder on the desktop, named it Kompozer, and extracted the contents
> of the .tar.gz file into the Kompozer folder on the desktop.
> What's next?
> I've looked into other kompozer threads but haven't found them
> helpful. I'm running Lubuntu latest version by the way.
> Thank you for your time!
> ...

Kompozer is no longer in Debian/Ubuntu repos, so this will not be the
easiest thing.

Now... _if you want to compile your own version of Kompozer_, then you
should know the basics about compiling, and install the essential build
tools.  Most source packages come with a readme that has instructions
similar to
sudo make install
Follow whatever instructions are in the README and it should *just work*
This should be in the folder you extracted the tar.gz into.


This basically installs the packages from 12.04 into newer versions
(like 14.04).

Be forewarned, this program has not had a stable release in around 8
years.  The project is most likely no longer active, which is why the
program was dropped from the repositories.

Feel free to look at alternatives.
Seamonkey is a community maintained web suite that has a WYSIWYG editor.
There is a way to install it as well without compiling, and it is
currently maintained (last release 5 Jan 2015)


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