Lubuntu Vivid Vervet 15.04 Beta 1 Released

Walter Lapchynski wxl at
Thu Feb 26 23:41:47 UTC 2015

The Beta 1 pre-release of Lubuntu Vivid Vervet 15.04 is now available.
Please check the [release notes][1] for more information as well as
download locations.

As you can see from the [release schedule][2], Beta 2 will be released
26 March, with the final release on 23 April. Releases are available
for testing only 2 days before release. That being said, I really
encourage anyone interested in [QA][3] to start working with the
dailies so we don't have any surprises at the last minute.

If there are any questions about this release or the workload for the
rest of the cycle, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either with
me or with the [lubuntu-qa team][4]. Thanks!


@wxl |
Lubuntu Release Manager, Head of QA
Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer

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