Testing needed or no 14.04.2 PPC!

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 19 07:40:39 UTC 2015

So the alternates are broken. No time to fix that. This is true for
all archs, including PPC.

PPC's only hope of having any updated image for 14.04.2 will require
someone to do 4 desktop testcases. I would do them myself but I have
no time and have no PPC laptop to bring with me to work.

Release is tomorrow. The head of the Release Team for this milestone
is on UTC-7, so I'd expect morning/afternoon in that timezone for
release. This is just about 12 hours away.

Time is running out if PPC wants a release!

Remember, we only support PPC for LTS, so this is an important release to have.
@wxl | http://polka.bike
Lubuntu Release Manager, Head of QA
Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer

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