New to linux and lubuntu, with STEAM install problem

Gustavo Silva gustavosantaremsilva at
Thu Dec 31 00:52:52 UTC 2015

Go to your terminal and write down:

sudo apt-get -f install

This should install you all missing libraries.

Best Regards / Obrigado e com os melhores cumprimentos,
Gustavo Silva

2015-12-31 0:51 GMT+00:00 Bob Luckie <bob.luckie at>:

> I am new to linux and Lubuntu.  Trying to install and run steam.  Steam
> seems to install, but then on run attempt it says has to do additional
> install which fails.
> You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:
> Any ideas how to fix would be appreciated.
> --
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