cdrdao extremely slow
Basil Fernie
basil at
Sat Dec 19 01:09:48 UTC 2015
Yes, I know what you mean about KDE. A few years back, I was trying to
settle on just one 'Buntu and scrapped KDE for that very reason. Chose
Lubuntu and had fun planting LXDE on various unlikely candidates including
Edubuntu. Stayed largely with Lubuntu since then, although delving into
!#, pure Debian, various Debian-based things (e.g. Mint) and, BTW, using
sundry Puppies quite a lot for system maintenance and repair. Fouled up
my MBR, it seems, with a recent trial installation of PCLinuxOS (no LiveCD
available). Took too much time to recover, backups included. Won't go
there again.
Found Lubuntu releases tend to be a bit rough around the edges in their
earlier versions and decided to have an "old faithful" low-hassle working
installation of LXLE 14.04 LTS while experimenting with the newer and
flashier releases on a few spare partitions I keep available. For example,
I have Lubuntu 15.10 and have used it with much success, including running
very much newer versions of Opera (which I've used since OS/2 days) that
have emerged recently, but not transferring my core workload to it yet,
which was wise because something's gone wrong with the boot process of the
15.10 installation. Will have to strip and re-install, I guess.
Kept an eye on new emerging distros and am enormously impressed with
4MLinux, for very low resource consumption. Will have to spend a morning
getting HDU and USB bootables going. But what I think you may find
interesting is Q4OS, Debian-based but with a KDE3-forked user interface
called Trinity Desktop Environment. It is blisteringly fast even though
not RAM-based like the Puppies; and the general level of QA is what I
certainly had come to expect from the KDE camp. Yes, it uses more RAM than
Lubuntu in some scenarios, but not all that much - and the results are
impressive. Using version 1.4.4 I found a few "incompletenesses" rather
than outright errors on the margins of development, and am looking forward
to the release of version 2.0.x. I like the target desktop experience
which is Win2K, still to my mind the best OS that M$ put out; but you can
click it across to LXDE if desired.
What I am looking for is a distro I can confidently install and maintain
on old skinny hardware owned by pensioners who want to avoid the Win10
vortex but must escape from the XP bugtrap. Lubuntu ticks a lot of boxes,
but is rather "unfamiliar". Q4OS could be "it".
I looked at Kmail but that was one ugly swamp-monster! (Well, not actually
ugly, but it was like installing a whole new OS. ) Any comments on
Evolution? Is it still being maintained?
My comments on the disk-burners are in an e-mail to Fritz.
On Fri, 18 Dec 2015 02:04:55 +0200, Aere Greenway
<Aere at> wrote:
> On 12/17/2015 02:05 PM, Basil Fernie wrote:
>> K3b is right up there with much other KDE-derived software in
>> providing simple, smooth desired results on Lubuntu and LXLE when I'm
>> feeling lazy and need a relaxed ride. When I'm feeling adventurous, I
>> try xburn, usually with good results, but a bit more difficult to
>> understand what you have to provide the package with and when.
> I like k3b, having used it a lot in the past. KDE used to me my primary
> system, until it turned into a processor/memory hog. Also, discovering
> I couldn't migrate my KMail database to other Linux mail tools has kept
> me avoiding it. I was favorably impressed with Kubuntu 15.10, though.
> With Lubuntu, I usually use gnome-related applications, since they seem
> to require less additional library packages to be installed.
> I have used xfburn as well at times.
> I prefer Brasero because it creating CD's or DVD's, it gives you the
> option of verifying the copied CD/DVD. I think K3B offers that as
> well. Xfburn doesn't seem to offer that capability.
Using Opera's mail client:
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