Lubuntu-users Digest, Vol 48, Issue 13

david at david at
Sat Dec 12 12:29:24 UTC 2015

On 12/12/15 12:00, lubuntu-users-request at wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. cannot print via network (Marlon Ng)
>    2. Re: cannot print via network (Andre Campos Rodovalho)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 18:04:26 +0800
> From: Marlon Ng <guikaye at>
> To: lubuntu-users at
> Subject: cannot print via network
> Message-ID:
> 	<CADRcC2M1T3JimWz-TF6iFbFX+k-tW_=sCA8PEOCxMJGxxg0jkA at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi guys.
> I used to be able to do this before reinstalling my Lubuntu.
> Two desktop computers, desktop A and desktop B. Both are connected to a
> common wifi.
> An Epson printer L210 model is connected to desktop B via cable. If I'm
> using desktop A, I could print something over the network. First I should
> add the network printer in desktop A, like so:
> Systems tools -> Printers -> Add -> Network Printer -> Find network printer
> - > type in the ip address 192.168.1.XXX in the Host field -> click Find
> It would then find the network printer. Then I click verify, then click
> Forward.
> That last step (clicking Forward) is where I'm stuck now. (I've never had
> any problem adding a network printer before.)
> If I click Forward, the mouse icon turns to "busy" icon, but it just stays
> that way and doesn't do anything else.
> I've tried reinstalling cifs-utils and samba thru synaptic---problem
> persists.
> Help please.
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 08:37:56 -0200
> From: Andre Campos Rodovalho <andre.rodovalho at>
> To: lubuntu user list <lubuntu-users at>
> Subject: Re: cannot print via network
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> So, you find the printer but cannot finish the install?
> What computer you reinstalled? Desktop B with printer connected or Desktop
> A? You did the printer sharing with samba?
> Both desktp A and B are Lubuntu 14.04?
> 2015-12-12 8:04 GMT-02:00 Marlon Ng <guikaye at>:
>> Hi guys.
>> I used to be able to do this before reinstalling my Lubuntu.
>> Two desktop computers, desktop A and desktop B. Both are connected to a
>> common wifi.
>> An Epson printer L210 model is connected to desktop B via cable. If I'm
>> using desktop A, I could print something over the network. First I should
>> add the network printer in desktop A, like so:
>> Systems tools -> Printers -> Add -> Network Printer -> Find network
>> printer - > type in the ip address 192.168.1.XXX in the Host field -> click
>> Find
>> It would then find the network printer. Then I click verify, then click
>> Forward.
>> That last step (clicking Forward) is where I'm stuck now. (I've never had
>> any problem adding a network printer before.)
>> If I click Forward, the mouse icon turns to "busy" icon, but it just stays
>> that way and doesn't do anything else.
>> I've tried reinstalling cifs-utils and samba thru synaptic---problem
>> persists.
>> Help please.
>> --
>> Lubuntu-users mailing list
>> Lubuntu-users at
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> ------------------------------
Hi you need to ensure you have Cups installed - you don't need Samba unless your printer is
connected to a Windows machine.

“See the sanity of the man! No gods, no angels, no demons, no body. Nothing of the
kind.Stern, sane,every brain-cell perfect and complete even at the moment of death. No
delusion.” -

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