Facebook and Lubuntu

Rafael Laguna rafaellaguna at ubuntu.com
Sat Aug 29 16:53:04 UTC 2015

When you open attachments or files from an app, all apps use the 
GtkOpenFile dialog, not PCManFM. Anyway, it must show tiny thumbnails as 
icons, or you must see, by clicking each one, a small preview appearing 
on your right.

Try to clean the icon thumbnails cache erasing ~/.thumbnails
...and re-login.

On 29/08/15 16:24, Wilbert Heeringa wrote:
> Dear all,
> Maybe I have strange question. When importing (or: uploading?) pictures
> in Facebook the filemanager (pcmanfm?) is called, then you select the
> files from the list shown, and these will be uploaded.
> However, the list showns filenames, not thumnails, which makes it
> difficult the choose the right files. Is it possible to change this, so
> that thumnails are shown instead of filenames?
> I know that you can change this in pcmanfm, I did this also, and when
> using pcmanfm individually, this works. But this does not affect when
> pcmanfm is called by Facebook for uploading pictures.
> I hope anyone can help ...
> Best,
> Wilbert

Rafael Laguna
Lubuntu Artwork Team

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