Lubuntu + MATE? Compatible? or issues?

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sat Apr 11 18:45:03 UTC 2015

Hi again Fritz,

I think it is a good idea to stay with the LTS versions.

Maybe you can try to find out if staying with 14.04.1 (and not upgrade
the hardware enablement stack to 14.04.2) will work better. Do you have
time to find out what package that breaks your system? Is it a kernel
upgrade, or some other package? Is it some program package in the mate

Best regards

Den 2015-04-11 20:34, Fritz Hudnut skrev:
> @AG & Nio:
> Appreciate the replies . . . and the "humor" . . . but, just trying to
> avoid the "twice burned" scenario . . . .  And, thanks Aere for your
> efforts, right now I have been sticking with LTS, so I have 14.04.2 . .
> . and possibly it was the upshift to the .2 that busted itself . . . due
> to the "post ipso facto"??? nature of the conjoining of Ubuntu + MATE
> for PPC was not "factory issue" --it was a "spin"?? . . . and possibly
> that was adjusted for the betterwith 14.10 or 15.04? . . . not counting
> that PPC is not supported in 15.04????  nor is it LTS.
> Anyway, just trying to get some feedback before making my decision to
> re-re-install U-MATE 14.04.1 PPC or, install Lu LTS as the base and then
> play with it, or, Ubuntu "Core" and add some DEs . . . .etc, etc.  Don't
> have so much time for fiddling these days . . . which is why I opt for
> the "safer" LTS versions.  This is the first time that a Ubuntu flavor
> broke itself, just sticking with aptitude making the decisions . . . . 
> I guess that will become more common for the PPC variations moving
> forward . . . .
> F

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