No provision for printing pictures under Lubuntu 14.04?
Walter Lapchynski
wxl at
Mon Apr 6 13:59:52 UTC 2015
The [blueprint for image viewers in LXQt][1] has no action on it at
all, so you might want to add your 2¤. And yes, I realize it's slated
for 1410. That's not actually the plan, obviously ☺
On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 6:52 AM, Andre Campos Rodovalho
<andre.rodovalho at> wrote:
> With LxQt I hope we have kolourpaint as default. So we will be able to print
> images easily. Maybe the default image viewer will do that too.
> In 14.04 I use fotoxx to do it.
> 2015-04-05 23:23 GMT-03:00 Walter Lapchynski <wxl at>:
>> Seems like it's not a bug, per se. Intended function upstream, it seems.
>> What is the default print command? Does `lpr` work? I often use this on the
>> command line to print PDFs, so it seems plausible. This may be something we
>> can fix in the default settings of MtPaint, if we explore all of the
>> possible options and hopefully find the one that uses the least amount of
>> resources. Since `lpr` is included in the standard system, this would seem
>> to make the most sense.
>> On Apr 5, 2015 5:15 PM, "John Hupp" <lubuntu at> wrote:
>>> Visiting family this weekend and looking at a couple problems, I
>>> discovered that under the default installation of Lubuntu 14.04 there seems
>>> to be no provision for printing pictures.
>>> The image viewer has no Print option. And when I instead opened a
>>> picture in mtPaint and then tried File: Action: Print Image, nothing
>>> happened.
>>> I got mtPaint's File: Action: Print Image functionality working by
>>> following the 'How to Print' section of this Puppy Linux article:
>>> I also found that I could print using Firefox, but I would have expected
>>> to be able to print a pic via the image viewer or the paint program.
>>> It seems like more than a trivial omission to have no default picture
>>> printing provision.
>>> [I had a similar realization recently regarding photo management. I
>>> installed Shotwell to add that capability, but it seemed like there should
>>> have been a native provision.]
>>> How do you handle these things?
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