Failure to wake from suspend in iBook w/14.04PPC

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at
Sat Sep 13 20:49:31 UTC 2014


Thanks for the reply, yeah doesn't seem like things happen too fast in
PPC-land . . . no worries, it's not the "mission critical" computer . . .
and not enough time to "retro-install" kernels . . . could roll back to
12.04 and just let that do until the computer dies . . . .

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Israel <israeldahl at> wrote:

>  Fritz,
> I am sorry to hear about this...
> I wish PPC was more supported, but I am not entirely sure what else you
> can do.
> There is of course the kernel bisection route... but that is a LONG
> process of checking many builds of the kernel to see where the problem
> started...  You'd have to talk to the Ubuntu Kernel team for more on how to
> do this, as I am no kernel dev.
>>  -- Regards
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