Failure to wake from suspend in 14.04 PPC--bug report

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at
Wed Sep 10 16:23:58 UTC 2014

Posted this AM on "Apple Users":

Testing continues . . . with recent upgrades the multiple "applet thing"
seems to have been straightened out, but the "failure to wake from suspend"
thing has not been resolved . . . I've filed a bug report . . .

I posted some comments about FF crashing on another thread here
 this AM FF (latest version, where do we find that in the new version?)
crashed 4 times while trying to log into FB "messaging" . . . happened in
LXDE, Openbox, and XFCE . . . so I'm assuming it has nothing to do with DE
and something to do with FF? Would I spend time to revert to an earlier
version of FF? Nah, just renders the system less use-able . . . decision
will be whether to drop back to 12.04 . . .

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at> wrote:

> Folks:
> Having failed to revive from suspend even after changing the power manager
> settings from "What should I do if you hit the suspend button?" question
> from "Do nothing" to "suspend" . . . ????  Happening several times needing
> to shut down the iBook . . . I took the 45 mins needed to file a bug report
> . . . to file a bug report for 14.04 PPC . . . #1366624 . . . .
> F/ e.e.p.
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