Error message "b43/ucode15.fw not found" after installing Lubuntu 14.04.1

John Hupp lubuntu at
Tue Oct 21 14:10:22 UTC 2014

Open the Synaptic package manager, Update it (from the tool bar), then 
Search by Name for the firmware-b43-installer, Mark it for installation, 
then Apply the installation.

On 10/21/2014 10:00 AM, Mike Hardy wrote:
> I hope this is the right place to go for help on this. Please advise.  
> I just installed lubuntu and during the boot on my Lenovo Ideapad 
> S10-2 netbook I get some errors. They say:  (I am hand typing this)
> "b43-phyo ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode15.fw" not found"
> "b43-phyo ERROR: Firmware file "b43-open/ucode15.fw" not found"
> "b43-phyo ERROR: You must go to
> I think this is a wireless network type of problem.
> My attempt to get to that website took me to a strange web site...  I 
> would appreciate help fixing this.  I am new to lubuntu and not a 
> unix/linux expert in general.  I can do basic unix/linux commands if 
> pointed in the right direction.   Thanks!

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