BASH security vulnerability

ki7mt ki7mt at
Wed Oct 8 20:48:01 UTC 2014

Hi Marc,

If I were to make a stand against using *Nix as my OS of choice, the 
Shellshock problem would not be my final stand.

Test : (complements of our FOSS friends):

In a "Bash Shell" :-), type:

env 'VAR=() { :;}; echo Bash is vulnerable!' 'FUNCTION()=() { :;}; echo 
Bash is vulnerable!' bash -c "echo && echo Dont panic, your bash is ok! 
&& echo"

Latest version of Bash is 4.3.11
Info: Link:

aka: The issue is already corrected in Ubuntu:

I am an advocate of Linux / FOSS in general. I would much rather have 
10's of thousand of folks looking at suspect code, rather than rely on 
the "word of" a supplier who says "we have a handle on it". If there is 
any doubt about risk assessment, one only needs to look at the Security 
fixes publish from one to the other.

I monitor (just for personal information) NIST and Ubuntu USN, have done 
for a long time. I dont recall ever having seen nor read about this 
issue actually causing a major breach. Not to say it hasn't happened, 
only that I've not seen nor read about it. If you really need expert 
advise, I would recommend contacting Canonical directly for a commercial 
Info: Link:

Just MHO.

Greg, KI7MT

On 10/08/2014 01:26 PM, Marc Tremblay wrote:
> I can't believe I left that out of my email.
> The Shellshock vulnerability.
> I apologize for that.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:lubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of John Niendorf
> Sent: October-08-14 3:25 PM
> To: lubuntu-users at
> Subject: Re: BASH security vulnerability
> Hi Marc,
> Just to be clear, what vulnerability do you mean?
> John
> On 10/08/2014 09:22 PM, Marc Tremblay wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I work for a school board in Montreal, Quebec and we are transitioning
>> over to GAFE. This transition has allowed the acceptance of Ubuntu
>> (Lubuntu) as a perfect solution for converting our older labs which
>> painfully run on Windows 7.
>> In a meeting this morning the issue of the BASH security vulnerability
>> was brought up as a reason not to go the Ubuntu open source route. I
>> need to find out if this security vulnerability is something we should
>> be worried about to the point of not moving forward with this project.
>> It would mean 1000 of computers being sent for recycling instead of
>> repurposing them with FOSS.
>> Any thoughts??
>> Marc Tremblay
>> Educational Services Dept
>> Lester B. Pearson School Board
>> 1925 Brookdale
>> Dorval, H9P 2Y7
>> mtremblay at <mailto:mtremblay at>
> --
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